1st Annual Sporting Clay Tournament

  • Wednesday, October 10, 2012
  • 2:30 PM
  • The Flying Rabbit; 5537 South Valley Pike, Mt. Crawford ,VA 24841


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Not able to join us for the tournament? Select your sponsorship opportunity to support the Council's 1st Annual Sporting Clay Tournament.
  • One foursome with option to include a VIP. List all shooters by adding "guests" at bottom of form.
  • Recognition at one stand & one team of four with option to include VIP. List all shooters by adding "guests" at bottom of form.
  • Team of four with option of VIP, four Double Barrel tickets, your name & website link in all promotions & recognition at event.

Registration is closed
Join us at The Flying Rabbit to spend quality time with agribusiness industry members and key decision makers in Virginia, support Virginia Agribusiness Council, and have a great day at the range!

Virginia Agribusiness Council
(804) 643-3555; vac@va-agribusiness.org
9323 Midlothian Turnpike, Suite T
 Richmond, Virginia 23235
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