Annual Sporting Clay Tournament

  • Wednesday, October 07, 2015
  • 10:30 AM
  • Shenandale Gun Club; RR 42, Swoope, VA 24479


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Not able to join us for the tournament? Select your sponsorship opportunity to support the Council's Annual Sporting Clay Tournament.
  • One foursome with option to include a VIP. List all shooters by adding "guests" at bottom of form.
  • Recognition at one stand & one team of four with option to include VIP. List all shooters by adding "guests" at bottom of form.
  • Team of four with option of VIP, four Double Barrel tickets, your name & website link in all promotions & recognition at event.

Registration is closed
Join us at our new location- Shenandale Gun Club- to spend quality time with agribusiness industry members and key decision makers in Virginia, support Virginia Agribusiness Council, and have a great day at the range!

Virginia Agribusiness Council
(804) 643-3555;
9323 Midlothian Turnpike, Suite T
 Richmond, Virginia 23235
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